Friday 24 March 2017

Red Nose Day! - 24.3.17

Today is Red Nose Day so we have come to school wearing something red. Thank you to everyone who brought a donation in to help raise money for people who are less fortunate than us. 

We finished our safari vehicles this week in Design and Technology. We enjoyed making them so much that we thought Year 1 might like to do the same so we have written 'How to make a safari vehicle' instructions in English. 

In Maths, we have been learning about money. We know that the same value can be made in lots of different ways e.g. 50p = 20p + 20p + 10p or 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 5p + 5p. We have practised adding amounts together to find a total and also using our knowledge of subtraction to calculate change. Please continue to practise this during home learning this week. 

Today we said goodbye to Deahn as he embarks on a very exciting adventure in South Africa. You will be greatly missed Deahn - keep in touch! 

Night is spending the weekend with Theo as he always challenges himself in his learning. Star of the week goes to Freddie for being a kind friend. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maple class. Thank you for my sendoff and all the lovely cards I realy apreciate it. We are safe in Cape Town and have played tennis, went to the beach and visited with friends. I miss you all very much. We hope to start school on the 18th of April I will keep you posted. I hope you all have a good Easter break. From Deahn
