Thursday 24 March 2016

Happy Easter everyone!

We continued our learning about the body this week. We found out all about teeth!
Teeth are not made out of bone, they're made out of enamel - Emily
There are 4 types of teeth - they can be spiky, straight, small, medium or large - Harry
If you lose your big teeth, they don't grow back - Lottie
Remember to brush your teeth - Albie
You should go the dentist twice a year - Olivia

In RE, we've been learning more about Easter. Today is Maundy Thursday.
It is when Christians remember Jesus' Last Supper - Grace P
At the Last Supper, Jesus washed his disciples feet to show that he wasn't too special - Matilda
Christians believe that Jesus said the bread was his body and the wine was his blood - Cory
Jesus asked his friends to remember Him and to love each other - Harry

We watched Year One's play - Rise and Shine
It was good because the acted like the animals they were - Riley
Year One spoke loudly and clearly - Johnny
They were really confident on the stage - Lily
They all knew what to say straightaway - Lottie
It was all about Spring - Amy
It was about Easter - Freddy

Today we had Forest Schools. It was fun to take our learning outside. We used tape measures, metre sticks and the trundle wheel to measure trees, areas and each other. We used our English skills to write poems and descriptions of Spring at the Forest School area. We also worked in groups to build habitats for wild animals.

Our Home Learning is to design a poster about looking after our teeth.

This week's Star Award was for listening to and helping others and it was given to Grace as she is very kind and helpful. Well done, Grace!

Have a great Easter weekend. See you on Tuesday.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Sport Relief

We have been very busy again this week in Maple.

This week in Maths we have been learning to measure: capacity and temperature. We measure temperature in degrees Celsius and capacity in litres and millilitres. Max

In English we continued with our non-chronological reports and finished our own space books.

In Topic we have been learning about the skeleton, there are 205 bones in our body! Josh.

 We have 12 pairs of ribs, these protect our lungs and heart. Our skull protects our brain. Harry, Jennifer

In creative writing we were thinking about going on a space adventure with Tim Peake.

This week we have been thinking why exercise is good for our health. It strengthens your muscles and heart, and it can give you a good night’s sleep. In order to investigate how our blood pumps round our body we recorded our pulse before and after 10 minutes of exercise.

On Friday, we were thinking about keeping healthy and in aid of Sports Relief we raise money by running 2 laps around the school. Amy

This week the star award went to Grace for listening and helping  others. Well done Grace for being kind and such a good friend.

Night went home with Amy for taking risks with her learning. Well done Amy, enjoy your weekend with Night.

Home Learning this week is to record signs of spring in your own way.

Don’t forget next week on Thursday afternoon we have Forest School.

Friday 11 March 2016


We've had another busy week in Maple Class!

In English, we've been looking at non-chronological reports and non-fiction books all about space.

The sun is a ball of gas and it is a star. Jorgie
Space is very quiet. Johnny
It is cold in space. Holly

We have started our own space books and we will finish these next week.

In maths, we have been practising our measuring skills. We have used the rulers and tape measures to measure length. We've been reading scales to measure weights too.
When you're measuring something, you have to start at zero. Olivia
We measure length in centimetres, metres and kilometres. Jennifer
We measure how heavy things are using grams and kilograms. Eleanor

Last week's Home Learning was fantastic. Mrs McLellan was delighted with the amount of books that came back and the work we did about the digestive system. We used this to help us in science.
We learnt a tricky word -oesophagus. It's the tube your food goes down. Emily
Your food gets broken into tiny pieces. Harry
The large intestine takes all the water away. Vedant 

In games, we've moved on from tennis to football, so we've been learning to dribble a ball with control.

We had a Pedestrian Skills workshop this week. We went on a walk around Redbourn. We talked about the signs and we practised crossing the road safely. You have to look every way that cars come, to check it is clear. You also need to listen for vehicles in case you can't see them! You walk across the road, looking left and right for vehicles. Thank you to the grown ups who helped us.

This week's Star Award is for someone who shows confidence when working in a group. Well done to Edward for getting this.

This week's Learning Owl is Max! He showed good perseverance with his learning - especially when he explained features of living things. He also did some amazing Home Learning and showed what neat handwriting he had. Well done, Max. Have a great weekend with Night.

Our Home Learning this week is to spell the months of the year and days of the week.

We haven't won the Walk with Friends Friday sticker yet :( Mrs McLellan has challenged us all to try and walk next Friday. (Park at the common and walk from there if you live far away!)

Friday 4 March 2016

Book Week

This week has been Book Week. We spent the week looking at different types of poems. We started with Ning, Nang, Nong which is a nonsense poem. We drew pictures of what we thought the land looked like, made music to go with it and had a go at writing our own Ning Nang Nong poem.
"Where the cars go honk!" Edward
"On the Ming, Ling, Ting. Where the books go bling." Olivia

Yesterday was World Book Day and we worked with our Year 5 buddy class. We read the book "The Rainforest Grew", which was written as a poem with repeated phrases. "Then I wrote  a calligram in the shape of a butterfly." Grace "I wrote an acrostic poem, using the word FROG." Amy  "We also had a little rainforest picture which we stuck on paper and then finished it off using pastels." Adi When the juniors came back to us they performed the poem using actions and musical instruments. We thought they did really well...

Today, most of us came to school dressed as a book character...
Max was Dennis the Menace,
Ruan was Ron Weasley
Matilda and Holly were Matilda
Lottie was Lucy from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Have a look at the photo on our website next week to guess who the rest of us were.

All week, we've been doing Stop and Read and we did it the most- 14 times! So we had an extra 5 minute play as a reward.

The Star Award this week is going to Freddy for doing something to be proud of. He wrote a lovely story about a knight and a dragon, remembering his finger spaces. Well done, Freddy.

Our Learning Owl is Isaac! Isaac cares and shares well, he perseveres with his learning, takes risks and works well on his own and with others. Well done, Isaac. Have a nice weekend with Night.

Home Learning is to find out how we digest our food.... We can record our work however we like.

Next week, we have Forest School on WEDNESDAY afternoon and

Pedestrian Skills on THURSDAY afternoon