Friday 25 November 2016

Sustainable St Albans Week - 25.11.16

In English this week we have been learning about explanation texts. We looked at similarities between non-chronological reports and explanation texts.
- They both have headings
- Only non-chronological reports have subheadings.

- They both have facts and photographs.
- Only explanations are in a numbered order.
We wrote our own explanation texts about how chocolate is made. It made us very hungry!

In Maths, we have been multiplying. We have used lots of different strategies to multiply such as grouping, arrays and using counting in 2s, 5s and 10s mentally. We know that when multiplying, the number always gets bigger.

This week is Sustainable St Albans Week so we went to Tesco to learn about where our food comes from. Well done to everybody in Maple Class for representing the school so well on our visit.

In Geography, we learnt what 'local produce' meant. We used directional language (North, East, South, West) to answer questions about a map of a farm.

Well done to Benjamin who has taken Night home this week for his fantastic, independent maths work.
Tina has won Star of the week for being such a kind and caring friend to others.

Tomorrow is our Christmas Bazaar. Our amazing Christmas tree decorations will be on sale for £1 each.

Friday 18 November 2016

Children In Need - 18.11.16

This week has been work shadowing week and we have loved having our grown ups in school and showing them all of our learning.

In English, we have been using our nocturnal facts to create non-chronological reports. We have included headings, subheadings, introduction and paragraphs.
'When hedgehogs are born, they are blind for 14 days' - Tommy
'Foxes bury their food underground when they are full up and save it for later' - Beth
'Badgers live in big groups. Their home is called a Sett' - Charlie

In Maths, we have been learning about money. We know that the same amount can be made in different ways e.g.
10p + 10p = 20p (Kiki)
5p + 5p + 5p + 5p = 20p (Isabelle)

We have been using empty numberlines to add and subtract amounts.

Yesterday was World Philosophy Day. To read 'Zoo' by Anthony Brown and thought about whether animals should be kept in zoo's. We looked at both sides of the argument...
Freddie said 'If animals are injured, zoo's have vets to help make them better but they wouldn't have those in the wild'

Erin said 'Not all animals have a lot of space in zoo's and they are not in their natural habitat'.
We know that there is no right or wrong answer in philosophy and we have to respect everyone's ideas.

Today is Children in Need. Thank you to everyone who has dressed up, brought a teddy and donated money to help children who are less fortunate than us.

The library will now be open on Thursday and Friday mornings between 8.30-8.45 if you would like to visit with your grown ups.

Friday 11 November 2016

Remembrance Day - 11.11.16


A huge well done for your fantastic sharing assembly this morning!

Today is Remembrance Day and we had a 2 minute silence at 11 O'clock. We've been learning about why we have Remembrance Day in Topic this week. Thank you to Caeden and Liam who have been visiting all of the classes and selling poppies at school all week.

It is also World Kindness Day on Sunday. We discussed how we can show kindness to one another and agreed that this should be done everyday.

In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. A fraction is a part of a whole - we know that all parts must be equal. We have been shading in halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and also applying this to quantities. Can you recall halves of numbers to 20? You may want to continue to challenge yourself to do this at home.

In English, we have begun looking at non-chronological reports. We have been researching nocturnal animals ready to write our own report next week. Today we made some fantastic posters about Badgers and Mrs Stewart and I were so proud of how you all worked collaboratively with your partners. You even earned a marble for it!

Nat has taken home Night this weekend for continuing his learning at home. Well done to Akeem for getting the Star Award for helping his friends in the classroom.

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday 4 November 2016

Fabulous Fireworks!

This week we have been learning all about Bonfire Night. In Topic, we learnt about The Gunpowder Plot in1605. Well done to JJ who was able to talk in detail about the event.

In English, we have been creating our own acrostic poems about fireworks. We included lots of adventurous word choices. John was able to include alliteration and a simile in his poem
'Fizzing fireworks are zooming up into the midnight sky.
In the midnight sky fireworks are banging and falling like sparkling, shimmering glitter'

We also made our own firework dances in Dance this week creating different shapes for explosions.

In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We know that 2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes are solid. Some of us made our own clues. Can you guess which shape Charlie is describing
'I am a 3D shape. I have 3 faces, 2 edges and no vertices. What am I?'

Well done to Charlie who has been awarded Star of the Week for helping others.
Kiki has taken our Learning Owl Night home this weekend.

Enjoy your weekend and if you are going to a firework display this weekend then remember to stay with your adult at all times to stay safe.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Maple's blog is back!

Welcome to our Maple Class blog.

We have had a brilliant 1st half term. Our topic is called 'Brilliant Books'.

We are now up and running and are looking forward to sharing our learning with you on this blog every Friday.