Friday 28 April 2017

Percy the Park Keeper - 28.4.17

This week we have loved reading Percy the Park Keeper stories. We will be continuing to work with Nick Butterworth's books over the next few weeks in English. Home learning this week is to try and visit your own local park over the bank holiday weekend. We would love some photographs of this to add to our displays.

In Maths, we have had a measures week where we have learnt to measure length, weight and capacity.

Following on from our trip last week, we have been looking at similarities between old and new canal boats. The children agreed that they would much rather live on a new canal boat rather than an old one.

Star of the week is Freddie for applying his writing skills to his work and Matthew is taking Night home for persevering with independent writing. Well done to both of you!

Date for your diary: Rickmansworth Festival is on Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st May if this interests you.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Back to School - 21.4.17

Welcome back! We hope that you have all had a enjoyable and relaxing Easter break.

We've had a very busy first week back. On Wednesday we visited Rickmansworth Waterway Trust to learn about canals as part of our new topic called Out and About.
"We went on an old working canal boat called Roger. The living space was tiny and the toilet was a bowl under the seat!" - Tina
"We went on a boat ride along the canal and had to look for different kinds of birds and trees" - Tommy
"We dressed up as children from the past who worked on the canal boats 200 years ago" - Isabelle
"We opened the locks on the canal and it was really heavy to push" - Theo
"We could only open the lock when the water on both sides were equal level" - Alfie

We wrote a recount of our trip in English the next day. We've also retold the traditional tale of the The Three Little Pigs. We are feeling very proud of our writing
"I remembered to use full stops" - Benjamin
"I used lots of detail and speech marks in my paragraph" - William B
"I separated my writing into paragraphs and I used expanded noun phrases" - Erin
"I used commas in my expanded noun phrases" - Kiki
"I percivered in my writing" - Annie

Well done to Alice who is Star of the Week as she was able to give lots of ways for us to stay healthy during PSHE. Night will be spending the weekend with William B.