Friday 24 March 2017

Red Nose Day! - 24.3.17

Today is Red Nose Day so we have come to school wearing something red. Thank you to everyone who brought a donation in to help raise money for people who are less fortunate than us. 

We finished our safari vehicles this week in Design and Technology. We enjoyed making them so much that we thought Year 1 might like to do the same so we have written 'How to make a safari vehicle' instructions in English. 

In Maths, we have been learning about money. We know that the same value can be made in lots of different ways e.g. 50p = 20p + 20p + 10p or 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 5p + 5p. We have practised adding amounts together to find a total and also using our knowledge of subtraction to calculate change. Please continue to practise this during home learning this week. 

Today we said goodbye to Deahn as he embarks on a very exciting adventure in South Africa. You will be greatly missed Deahn - keep in touch! 

Night is spending the weekend with Theo as he always challenges himself in his learning. Star of the week goes to Freddie for being a kind friend. 

Friday 17 March 2017

Maple Class Sharing Assembly - 17.3.17

Firstly, a huge congratulations to everybody in Maple Class for a fantastic sharing assembly which made Miss Forrester and Mrs Stewart very proud! 

We have had a Design and Technology focus in our topic this week. We have been learning about vehicles and using technical words such as axle, axle holder, chassis and body to label different parts. We have designed our own vehicles and will be making them next week. If you have not already, please bring in a small cardboard box for your making. 

In English, we have taken inspiration from 'We're going on a bear hunt' and written our own versions called 'We're going on an elephant hunt' set in Africa. 

We have been exploring fractions in Maths, finding halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and quantities. We used our division strategies to solve fractions of numbers. We know that dividing by two is the same as finding half. 

Today has been colourful day to celebrate our Kaleidoscope topic. We've loved dressing in bright colours and patterns!

Next Wednesday it is Maple's turn for woodlands so please make sure you have wellies in school on that day. 

Congratulations to Benjamin who is Star of the week for his brilliant attitude towards his learning. 

Friday 3 March 2017

Book Week - 3.3.17

This week has been book week and we have celebrated in lots of different ways. The theme this year has been fantasy and we have used our imaginations to create our own fantasy settings and characters.
JJ - 'My setting was called Cloudy Castle. It was in the sky and it had been abandoned for 10,000 years.'
Deahn - 'My setting was in a cave. The cave was full of talking puppies.'
Akeem - 'My main character was called Max and he was a spy with lots of gadgets.'
Bella - 'My character was a fairy called Rosetta. She was trapped inside a crystal hanging off a tree.'

It has also been problem solving week in maths. We have been learning to solve multiplication problems, thinking about the best strategy. Can you solve it in your head or do you need to use jottings?
Today we practised a mixed operations problem where we had multiplication, division, addition and subtraction problems muddled up. We had to think carefully about which operation we had to use and the strategy to help us. To take your learning further, you could continue to practise this at home.

In games this half term we are practising our tennis skills. We had to show control over the ball when bouncing it with the racket.

Star award goes to William B this week and our Learning Owl is Akeem. Well done to both of you!