Friday 30 June 2017

Air Ambulance Landing - 30.6.17

We've had a very busy week in Maple Class. On Monday afternoon we shared what we have learnt in French this year by hosting our French CafĂ© for our parents. Thank you to everyone that came.

On Tuesday, we had a very special visit from Herts Air Ambulance. They landed on our field to say thank you for raising money for them during the fun run. We were astonished that the helicopter was worth 6 and a half million pounds!

This week was our final Roald Dahl week in English. We focused on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and invented our own factory workshops. We imagined that we were one of the lucky golden ticket winners and wrote a diary entry about visiting Willy Wonka's factory.
Luca - 'My  factory room had small gingerbread man workers. There is lightening which blows holes into the ground and sprays out skittles'
Lola - 'My factory has a little sugar pop helper that takes you on a tour around the room. When you suck the sugar pops, it gets bigger and bigger until it explodes!'

Tomorrow is the Strawberry Fayre - we look forward to seeing you all there!

Friday 23 June 2017

Sports Day - 23.6.17

We've had a fantastic morning taking part in Sports Day. Well done to all of the children for their sportsmanship and hard work. We're very proud of you! To celebrate Healthy Living Week, we made posters to inform others on how to stay healthy. Here are just a few of our ideas:
Regular exercise
Personal hygiene (brushing our teeth twice a day, washing hands and body, wearing clean clothes etc)
Eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables
Drinking lots of water
Eating breakfast each morning
Having lots of sleep!

In maths. we've been learning to use directional language (left, right, clockwise, anti clockwise). We planned a route for Fantastic Mr Fox to catch the chickens without being caught by the farmers!

Well done to all of the children who have been completing their Roald Dahl books.

Please continue to practise your performance lines at home. We are looking for loud voices and lots of expression.

Star of the week is Kiki for persevering with her spelling. Night is spending the weekend with Annie.

Monday 19 June 2017

Green Day - 16.6.17

Maple Class are writing our blog today because on Friday it was green day so we couldn't use our computer. On green day, we couldn't use electricity and we thought carefully about how to look after our world.

We have started our work on Roald Dahl. We have a selection of different Roald Dahl stories that we can take home to read to get a bookworm badge. In the class, we are reading Fantastic Mr Fox. In creative writing, we wrote our own stories called 'The Next Adventures of Fantastic Mr Fox'. We designed new characters with alliterative names
Rude Rabbit and he always wears a purple top hat - Beth
Bossy Bunny helped Fantastic Mr Fox by bossing the farmer's dog around so that Mr Fox could get his chickens - Alfie
Curious Cat helped Fantastic Mr Fox by giving him slippers so that the farmers couldn't see his paw prints when he was stealing the chickens - Erin

In Maths, we have been investigating shape. We counted the vertices, faces and edges of 3D shapes. We sorted 2D shapes into Venn diagrams and also looked at finding the line of symmetry.

We are busy rehearsing for our End of Year Play - please keep practising your lines at home.

Remember this Friday is Sports Day! It is going to be a warm week so everybody needs water bottles and sun hats in school.