Friday 24 June 2016

Healthy Lifestyles

This week, we should have had Sports' Day, but the weather was too rainy. So, we are looking forward to having it soon.

We had a day finding out about Healthy Lifestyles. We looked at what a balanced plate of food should look like and other ways we stay healthy. We took our learning forward by creating a balanced plate of food or by doing a PowerPoint.

Harry's dad came in and talked to us about fire safety. He asked us all to check that we had a smoke alarm at home and explained how to call for help if we needed it. We knew not to ring 999 unless it is an emergency though. We had great fun looking in the fire engine. There's room for 6 firefighters and they have a big machine for cutting through metal as well as the hoses.

In Creative Writing this week, we read some of Roald Dahl's Magic Finger. Then we had to create a story about another character with a magic finger. Our stories were lots of fun!

We  listened to some of The Enormous Crocodile and then had a problem to solve in maths today.

Twelve children want to cross a stream to meet their friends on the other side. There are three boats tied to the bank. Next to the boat there is a sign that reads:


If the children wish to cross the stream safely they must row all three boats across the river at the same time; there must be an even number of passengers in each boat.

We worked in small groups to solve the problem and chose different ways to record. Lily also took her learning further in Learning through Play and tried to see if 15 children could make the journey...

We really enjoyed Lime Class' assembly this morning. We thought they all spoke clearly and we could tell they have been working very hard.

Lily got the Star Award this week for the way she took her learning forward in maths. Well done, Lily.

Our Home Learning is to continue learning our lines for the play.

We have a French Café for our grown ups on Monday 4th July at 2:30 - please let Mrs McLellan/Mrs Grimes know if you can come.

Have a good weekend.

Friday 17 June 2016

Green Day!

On Wednesday, we celebrated Green Day. We came to school dressed in green and we weren't allowed to use any electricity. We had to do activities that didn't need electricity. It was also World Wind Day, so we all made a kite to fly.

In English, we had to research a country that takes part in the Olympics. We created mind maps, wrote reports and created the country's flag. We also found out about a sports person from that country.

In maths, we read the story 'The Five Creatures.' Then we had to use the style of the story to write a number story about our families.
I have 5 creatures. 1 of us sings in the shower, 4 do not. Jennifer
I have 5 creatures. 2 of mine argue. 3 don't. Adi
I have 7 creatures. 6 have 2 legs, the other one has 4 legs. Isaac

We also had the chance to write our own trick that Mr or Mrs Twit might play. We had lots of fun and disgusting ideas that made the grown ups in Maple laugh!

We have taken home Roald Dahl books to read. When we've finished our first book, we can go to Mrs Byrne to talk about it and get a Bookworm badge. Well done, Amy for being the first person in Maple to do this.

Our Home Learning is to practise our words for the play, because we are starting practising next week.

It's Sports Day on Wednesday, so we need to come to school in our PE kits. We should bring our uniform to get changed into afterwards. Everyone needs a water bottle.  Mums and Dads, remember you can get a bacon sandwich before Sports Day starts, so bring your money!

The Learning Owl this week is Grace. Mrs McLellan is really proud of Grace because she has been working independently and taken risks in her learning. Well done, Grace. Have a nice weekend with Night

Every single one of us could have won the Star Award this week as we've all been getting better with our learning. Well done to Riley, though who got the certificate for trying really hard and believing in himself.

Friday 10 June 2016

A busy week!

What a busy week we've had!

We have all worked very hard to create an owl by cutting out felt and sewing pieces together. You will get to see them at the art exhibition on Open Evening.

We went to Forest Schools. It was a very sunny day and we took some different activities to do there.
I made a hotel with Grace and Amy. I looked for some animals to put in there to make it a bug hotel. Emily
My friends and I made a bug hotel too. We called it The Bug Resort. We used some wood and stones. We made a tightrope and put a snail on it. Isaac
We took the water colours down and I did a painting of the pond. Matilda
I found a branch from a tree and I got some ribbon and wound it round the branch. Olivia
On Redbourn Common, there's knitting all around a tree. It inspired us to do it at Forest School, using ribbon. Harry

In Topic we have been learning about the Olympics.
Women who were married weren't allowed to watch the Olympics in ancient times. Grace
When they ran, the men were naked so they could show off their muscles. Edward
Women weren't allowed to run in the ancient Olympics. Jennifer
Women can run now. Albie
The only event was a running race. Holly
18 more events were added over the next 100 years. Cory

In Games, we have been learning about golf. We were trying to hit the ball accurately to hit the target. We have also been practising our Sports' Day activities.

Today, we met our Year 5 buddies and did some reading with them. It was good fun and they also started to answer our questions about being in Year 3.

Our Home Learning this week is to look for 2d and 3d shapes and write about their similarities and differences.

The coin challenge finishes on Wednesday, so any more loose change would be appreciated.

Wednesday is Green Day, so we can wear non-uniform/something green. We could also bring in a small donation for Tiggywinkles animal hospital.

This week, the Star Award is for coping with an unexpected change. Well done, Albie who really deserved this.

Night is going home with someone who has a fantastic attitude towards their learning. This week, she persevered with her owl - cutting it out and sewing it all by herself. She also offered to help Mr Joyce getting some resources ready for next week. Well done Amy - have a great weekend with Night.