Friday 17 March 2017

Maple Class Sharing Assembly - 17.3.17

Firstly, a huge congratulations to everybody in Maple Class for a fantastic sharing assembly which made Miss Forrester and Mrs Stewart very proud! 

We have had a Design and Technology focus in our topic this week. We have been learning about vehicles and using technical words such as axle, axle holder, chassis and body to label different parts. We have designed our own vehicles and will be making them next week. If you have not already, please bring in a small cardboard box for your making. 

In English, we have taken inspiration from 'We're going on a bear hunt' and written our own versions called 'We're going on an elephant hunt' set in Africa. 

We have been exploring fractions in Maths, finding halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and quantities. We used our division strategies to solve fractions of numbers. We know that dividing by two is the same as finding half. 

Today has been colourful day to celebrate our Kaleidoscope topic. We've loved dressing in bright colours and patterns!

Next Wednesday it is Maple's turn for woodlands so please make sure you have wellies in school on that day. 

Congratulations to Benjamin who is Star of the week for his brilliant attitude towards his learning. 


  1. I enjoined the sharing assembly because I liked singing Colours of the world.

  2. I enjoyed making my vehicles in dt mine had tiger strips
    and zebra ��������

  3. I've enjoid making my vehicle.

