Friday 20 May 2016

Creative Writers

Today, we all showed off our creative writing skills by writing our own stories. We could choose to write a story about whatever we wanted.

Mine was about 6 beasts and 6 portals. Cory
My story was about a magic tree. Ruan
Mine was about a girl who had a dream about horse riding. Grace
My story was about an angry bird. Riley

The adults in our class were really impressed with our ideas and the vocabulary we chose to use.

In Topic, we had the chance to design our own sculptures. We had lots of creative ideas - flowers, animals, Ninjas, water features and spaceships. We were able to chose what we want to use to create our sculpture:

Cardboard boxes and clay. Jennifer
Wire and tubes. Holly
Bottle tops and wire. Olivia
Paper, wood and cardboard. Max

We are looking forward to making our sculptures next week.

On Thursday, we went to Forest School. We did 3 activities - we played in the muddy kitchen, pond dipped and looked for animal habitats.

I enjoyed making the chocolate muffins and soup in the muddy kitchen. Lottie
When I did pond dipping, I found a wiggly tadpole. Isaac
I found a pond skate. It was fast and good at hiding. Adi
I enjoyed making hot chocolate with my friend in muddy kitchen. Matilda
I looked under logs to see what bugs I could find. I found a couple of slugs. I think they were there because it's muddy. Amy
Under the logs, we found a really big slug. We made a good habitat for it using wood. Edward

We also started talking about our end of year play. It sounds very exciting and we will be learning all about the Olympics to get us ready for it! Our Home Learning is to find out about a London 2012 Paralympic athlete. We can record our work in our own way.

The Star Award this week is going to Emily because she is really good at helping her friends when they are sad. Well done, Emily.

Our Learning Owl this week is Jorgie! She has been working very hard this week to persevere and be independent. She wrote a lovely story today, remembering everything she needed to include. Well done, Jorgie. Have fun with Night...

Don't forget to come and see our fabulous dancing next week. Community Tea 2pm on Thursday (in school uniform) On Friday we need to come to school in our smart clothes and bring our uniform to change into... Our dancing will start just after 9am.

Friday 13 May 2016


This week we have been finishing our work on The Sweetest Song. We thought about what the next chapter of the story could be and wrote this. Mrs McLellan thought we all had very different ideas and our stories were fun to read.

In science, we have been learning more about electricity. There are lots of things that can produce energy and turn it into electricity like a wind turbine, water turbine and coal. In Learning through Play, Max and Isaac finally completed their K'nex helicopter that needed an electrical circuit. They followed the instructions and persevered through 3 Learning through Play sessions.

In Topic, we have continued our learning about sculpture. We looked at pictures of different sculptures and then asked questions about them. In Philosophy, we wondered "What would happen if there were no sculptures made?" I wonder what you answer would be?

IN PE we've been practising our Maypole and country dances and we are starting to get ready for Sports' Day.

Next week, we have Forest School on Thursday - so we need our welly boots in school. Our home learning is to see what animal habitats we can find near our home and choose a way to record what we find.

We also need boxes, tubes and yogurt pots to help with our topic work.

Well done to Amy for getting the Star Award this week for being great at telling the truth saying sorry if she needs to.

Ruan thoroughly deserves to take Night home this week, for showing a really positive attitude to his learning, trying hard with all of his work and listening well. Have a great weekend with Night, Ruan!

Friday 6 May 2016

Wonders of The World

In topic this week we have been learning about the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. The Pyramid at Giza is the only wonder left standing today. It took twenty years to build, without any machines. It is 139 metres tall.
 Our home learning this week is to find out about one of the Modern Wonders of the World.

In English we have been planning a new story based on the characters in The Sweetest Song.

In Maths we have been looking at inverse. 4+5=9 is the same as 5+4=9 you can also say 9-4=5 and 9-5=4.

 We have been practicing our Maypole dancing this week ,we have learnt a Barbers Pole .

In computing we having been learning how to write logarithms so we can programme the beebots.

Well done to Isaac for getting the Star Award this week for being pleased for someone's achievements.

Vedant has taken Night home this week for always being ready to learn and taking his learning forward this week.