Thursday 9 February 2017

St Mary's Visit - 9.2.17

On Wednesday, we visited St Mary's church to learn about why the church is a special place for Christians. We learnt lots of fantastic facts about the church.
Jamie - St Mary's  church has got bigger over time because more and more people have moved to Redbourn.
Delilah - St Mary's church is over 900 years old!
Erin - There is one candle that is always lit to help people remember the people that have died.
Beth - Rev Will and Rev Tim think that Jesus was 33 years old when he died so they ring the bell 33 times before a service.
Well done to everyone in Maple Class for your fantastic behaviour on the trip and representing the school so well!

In Maths, we have been collecting and recording data. We have learnt that data means information. We asked children in our class what their favourite colour was and recorded the information as a tally chart. We then created a bar graph on the computer to show this information.

We created our own stories in creative writing. We used props to help us think of our stories.
Kiki's story was called 'The Cafe' and included the prop of a magic key. Lola's story was called 'The Wicked Witch' and included the prop of a crown.

Well done to Bella who is taking Night home for the half term. Bella has been thinking carefully about the presentation of her handwriting. Luca is star of the week!

Happy Half Term!

1 comment:

  1. I loved going to St Marys church because I liked learning about why St Marys church is a special place for Christians.
