Friday 3 February 2017

NSPCC Number Day - 3.2.17

Today is NSPCC number day and we have come to school wearing different numbers to raise money to help children less fortunate than us. Thank you to everyone who brought in a donation! We have taken part in number problem solving activities throughout the day.

We have been exploring poetry in English this week. We created actions to help us learn to recite the poem 'What is Red?' by Mary O'Neill. We wrote our own colour poems using expanded noun phrases to describe what different colours reminded us of.

We have been learning about weather in Geography this week. We learnt how the weather can affect people's jobs around the school and predicted the weather using a weather forcast. We have created our own weather symbols which we will use when completing our weather charts next week.

Congratulations to Theo who is star of the week for being a fantastic listener and team player. John has taken Night home this weekend as he always tries his best.

We will be visiting St Mary's Church next week for part of our RE learning. Please make sure that you have a warm coat and comfortable shoes on Wednesday.

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