Friday 1 April 2016

Mrs Byrne's Birthday

We've had a fun last week of term.

On Wednesday, it was Mrs Byrne's birthday! We've been keeping lots of secrets from her - fun, rainbow bunting, birthday cards, a rainbow picture we all helped to create and learning words to a special song. We enjoyed her birthday assembly. Thank you Mrs Byrne for the delicious birthday cake.

In Topic, we brought all of our learning together by completing some Thinkers' Keys. These are questions and phrases that make us think creatively about our learning.
I did a space alphabet. Edward
I designed a new rocket which was purple. Grace
I made a mouse trap using 10 lolly sticks, 10 rubber bands, 2 straws and 1 carrier bag - Lily
I thought of 10 animals I'd probably never see. Vedant

We had RE day. We did some Indian Dancing and learnt about the festival of Holi. In the afternoon, we decorated a simnel cake and finished our learning about Easter.
I enjoyed making the simnel cake. I found out there are 11 balls for Jesus' disciples because Judas wasn't really Jesus' friend. Jennifer
I went in the Star Book for doing some really good Bollywood dancing. Riley
We watched some video clips about Easter. I found out that there were 2 other people on crosses near Jesus - Matilda

We've enjoyed sharing our home learning about how to look after our teeth.

We're looking forward to the FORIS Easter Challenge. Our other home learning is to read and spell some words we're bringing home.

Our Star Award this week goes to Holly for stopping and thinking before she makes a choice. Well done, Holly.

We are back at school on TUESDAY 19th April. Have a wonderful 2 weeks off school!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a good holiday.If you are going away which country are you going to? Josh Packwood
