Friday 29 April 2016


One of our favourite things this week has been learning about electricity...
Don't put electrical things anywhere near water. Jennifer
Don't turn on a light with wet hands. Vedant
Don't overload a plug socket. Olivia
When you go out of the house, switch your electrical things off. Grace
Electricity comes from coal. Adi

In Learning through Play, we have started to build some electrical circuits and toys that we bought with our money from FORIS. We are working well in teams and one group managed to build a circuit to fly a helicopter!

In dance, we have been practising for May Day. We are doing well with dancing round the Maypole and this week we started to learn our country dance too.

In games, we are developing our football skills. We had to dribble the ball with control, look for the goal and shoot accurately. We made it more challenging by putting a goalkeeper in the goal!

In English, we have been reading the story "The Sweetest Song." First, we had to give our opinion about the characters. Lily chose Little Daughter and said she was wise and naughty because she shouldn't have gone out of the gate, but she was clever to trick the wolf. Next, we wrote a letter, either to Papa or Little Daughter. Harry wrote to Little Daughter telling her what she should have done.

Home Learning this week has been set by Mrs O. We've been asked to create a colourful poster for Redbourn in Bloom, on the theme of gardens. These need to come in to school on Tuesday.

This week the Star Award is for being proud of someone else's achievements. We chose Max to receive it as he always says well done to others. Well done Max.

Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend everyone.


  1. I really enjoyed waddesdon manor because we got to learn about lots of goddesses and gods. I loved making the helicopter out of knex it was really good. Max

  2. I'm very excited because it is the Bank holiday ��
