Friday 15 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone, and welcome to Maple's new blog!
This week in maths, we have been learning about fractions. We know that half is 2 equal groups or parts and a quarter is 4 equal parts. Vedant explained that 2/4 is the same as 1/2.
In Creative Writing, we wrote new adventures for Stick Man. In Albie's adventure, he  In Olivia's story, Stick Man went to Mars! We used some phrases that Julia Donaldson used like "Stick Man, oh Stick Man beware of the.... "
In English, we have been learning about narrative story language. We read The Ugly Duckling and Storm Whale and then we had to look for noun phrases. Some noun phrases:
  • Soft, fluffy duck
  • Squirty whale
  • Smooth table
Last week for Home Learning we were asked to find out about the artist Stephen Wiltshire. Mrs McLellan was really impressed with what we found out and with the ways we had presented our learning - using a mind map, PowerPoint, bullet points and even trying to draw in his style! This week, as part of Inside Out, we have drawn an outline and filled the spaces inside using different marks.

Our verb of the week is 'To like.' Ask us to show you the actions for this.

This weekend, Night is going home with Cory. He has shown a really good attitude to learning and has shown that he can care and share. Well done, Cory

Jorgie has won the Star Award for taking responsibility for her learning. Keep it up, Jorgie.

You can comment on the blog by typing a message below, including your name in the box, then choosing anonymous in the drop down box.


  1. Well done Maple Class, you've had a great week with lots of learning.
    Mrs McLellan

  2. Max - I have enjoyed taking my pencil for a walk and filling it in with patterns. I was good at it.
